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02nd Aug 2019

Barry McGuigan pens powerful tribute to late daughter Danika

Rudi Kinsella

McGuigan was 33 years of age when she died.

Actress Danika McGuigan, daughter of former featherweight world champion Barry McGuigan, died on Tuesday 23 July, following a short illness.

In a statement, her family said they were devastated by her death “after a brief but brave battle against cancer”.

Since then, her father Barry McGuigan has penned a powerful tribute to his late daughter.

He shared the tribute to his followers on Twitter on Friday evening.

It read: “The most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do was to say goodbye to my amazing daugher Nika earlier this week. She has been a shining light in our family’s lives for the past 33 years. Nika was an extremely talented and inspirational young lady who radiated kindness and love.

“Our hearts are broken and we know that life will never be the same again for us. However, Nika lives on in so many parts of our lives which we are grateful for.”

McGuigan then thanked those who had had offered him and his family condolences and support in the past week.

You can read the statement in full here:

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