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01st May 2018

Gardaí investigating report of sexual assault on Limerick woman

Kate Demolder

Investigations are ongoing.

Gardai from Mayorstone Park are investigating an incident involving a young woman who reported that she was sexually assaulted, attacked and robbed by a man.

The incident occurred on the Ennis Road area of Limerick on Tuesday April 17 at approximately 3am where the woman, believed to be in her 20s, claims an unknown male attacked her.

According to the Limerick Leader, it’s believed that the culprit wore latex gloves, dark clothing and a hooded top, leading Gardaí to believe the attack was pre-planned and pre-meditated.

CCTV footage from the area has been obtained by the forensics team and Gardai have taken a formal statement of complaint from the woman, who is believed to be a student at Limerick Institute of Technology.

Gardaí in the area are currently searching for the man at the centre of the attack.

Anyone with any information on the alleged assault can contact Mayorstone Park Garda Station on 061 456 980.

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