It will be a ‘Celtic Powerhouse’ apparently.
A top UK architect has put forward plans for a bridge to link Ireland to Scotland.
It comes after the UK Foreign Secretary proposed linking the UK and France together, however the architect, Alan Dunlop, said that connecting to Ireland would be majorly beneficial for both countries, as well as cost effective.
According to The National Scot, both a road and railway crossing would be erected between Portpatrick in Scotland and Larne in Northern Ireland, and we have to say, we’re not opposed to it.
Alan spoke on BBC Radio about the plans and said: “There are two ways it could go. It could go from Portpatrick to Bangor or Larne, but there are significant environmental and geological challenges there.
“We do have incredibly talented architects and engineers in Scotland so I am sure that as a technical challenge it wouldn’t be insurmountable.
“The shorter route would be from around Campbeltown, the Mull of Kintyre across to the Antrim coast.
“It would be a wonderful thing – a connection between Scotland and Ireland.”
Would you be up for a bridge connecting the two countries together? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
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