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23rd May 2024

Irish man ‘went through panel above his head’ during Singapore flight

Simon Kelly

Kilkenny couple Singapore flight

“There were nightmares too overnight.”

A Kilkenny couple have described the nightmare scenes on board the Singapore Airlines flight that experienced severe turbulence on Monday.

A 73-year-old man died on the London to Singapore flight and multiple other were injured following the turbulent event, which caused the plane to divert to Bangkok.

The plane reportedly hit an air pocket and dropped 6,000 feet in minutes.

The couple, who do not wish to be identified, explained that one of them ‘went through the panel above his head’.

“When the plane landed in Bangkok he was checked over in hospital and X-rayed and given the all-clear thankfully,” said the young woman in her 20s.

She added: “The experience was horrible and the flight to Singapore today had turbulence too. There was an awful feeling of not being able to breathe.

“There were nightmares too overnight.”

The Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed that there were four Irish citizens on-board the flight.

Kilkenny couple describe moment one ‘went through panel above his head’ on Singapore flight

Bangkok’s Samitivej Hospital confirmed on Wednesday that twenty people on-board the flight were being treated in intensive care facilities, while a total of 58 people were still under treatment at multiple medical facilities, and 27 had been discharged.

In a statement on Monday, Singapore Airlines said: “We can confirm that there are injuries and one fatality on board the Boeing 777-300ER.

“There were a total of 211 passengers and 18 crew on board,” they said.

“Singapore Airlines offers its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased.”

Passengers described the moment that the plane hit turbulence, which came with little warning.

Those not wearing seatbelts were reportedly flung into the air, hitting the panels above their heads, with some denting them.

Debris including food, trays and kettles were also strewn about the cabin during the incident.

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