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04th Feb 2018

Longtime newscaster Una O’Hagan announces she’s leaving RTÉ

'The time is right'

Olivia Hayes

Una O’Hagan has announced she’s leaving RTÉ News.

The longtime newscaster said that since she has a few more years before retirement, she wants to make the most out of her career and believes that a change of scenery is the right way to do it.

According to The Independent, Una said: “The time is right.

“I remember the noise the first day I went into the newsroom. Those big old typewriters with people clattering away, you nearly had to assault them to get anything written, whereas nowadays it’s all very quiet. People don’t make a sound. The contrast is amazing.

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“There was a certain level of craziness that you don’t get now. Maybe people are more serious and professional nowadays, but there was a lot of fun to it then. I remember one reporter who if he was bored on a Friday afternoon would stand up on the desk and dance around. You wouldn’t get that now.

“I guess I felt that I am 55, I have another few years working so I thought it is now or never. I can not leave the cocoon where I have really enjoyed myself and have had a successful career or I can go out and try something new.

“The ‘R’ word is banned. I am not retiring. I would go out of my mind. And I am sure Colm [her husband and former RTÉ broadcaster] wouldn’t want me under his feet all day.

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“He retired from RTE 10 years ago and has brought out 10 best-selling books since so I don’t think he is retired either. I don’t think people do it that much anymore. It’s just a new phase of life.”

However, it seems like she has something up her sleeve, ending the interview by saying her future plans are ” due out in September.”

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