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27th Jan 2021

Number of Covid-19 patients in hospital drops to lowest figure in two weeks

Rudi Kinsella

The number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care units (ICU) has also fallen.

The number of Covid-19 patients in hospitals across the country has dropped to its lowest figure since 11 January.

As of Wednesday morning (27 January), there are 1,689 patients with Covid-19 in Irish hospitals, down 134 compared to Tuesday.

This figure is the lowest it has been since 11 January, when there 1,582 Covid-19 patients in hospitals in Ireland.

Of the patients currently in hospitals, 215 are in intensive care units, down from 216 on Tuesday.

119 patients with Covid-19 are currently being treated in St Vincent’s University Hospital in Dublin , the largest number in the country.

Today’s figure is also down by over 300 from the 2,023 patients that were in hospital with Covid-19 on 18 January, the highest number Ireland has seen since the outbreak of the virus.

Speaking of the decreasing figures, Chief Medical Officer Tony Holohan said: “The decline in daily incidence of Covid-19 has begun, however, the volume of disease in our communities remains very high.

“To date, we have reported 96,000 cases in January 2021, which has already passed the total of 93,500 cases reported in 2020. Indeed, public health doctors in the Midlands reported a total of 4,000 cases in the first eight months of 2020 and another 4,000 cases in the first four weeks of 2021.

“This highly infectious disease is having a severe impact on the most vulnerable in our society and we must continue the good work we are doing to suppress it.”

There has now been a total of 3,066 Covid-related deaths in the Republic of Ireland, while 189,851 people have tested positive for the virus.

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