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24th Oct 2013

Silly sexy teacher alert! US teaching assistant accidentally emails nude pictures of herself to maths class

She’s in sum trouble now...


JOE might be enrolling in the University of Iowa next semester if this is the way the departmental staff behave.

To sum up, one of the female teaching assistants from the Univeristy’s Maths Department is being investigated after accidentally sending her class nude pictures of herself and her boyfriend engaging in what appears to be an online sex session.

We’re sure that, as she hit send on her email, she must have known that something just didn’t add up.

Because she was a maths teacher you see. A SEXY maths teacher that is. The best kind.

The students in the class were expecting to be sent solutions to a particular maths problem, but were shocked (and possibly aroused) when they instead received images that appeared to be taken from an online sex session featuring their titillating tutor.

File error: This email sent to math students had sexually explicit pictures attached


The students obviously weren’t that shocked though as they clearly remembered how to use their Twitter accounts to report the formulaic faux pas, as you can see from the tweets below:

University officials are now looking into the incident but, here at JOE we wish the careless calculator all the best with her latest maths problem and hope that she doesn’t lose her job over these recent infractions.

Photo via The Daily Mail and tweets via Total Frat Move.

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We’re hitting up The Academy, Dublin on Friday, 14th of February.

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