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03rd Feb 2018

Thunder, hail, and temperatures of -3… this weekend’s weather is gonna suck

Rory Cashin

Plus, more snow is expected early next week.

Just stay indoors. It’s for the best, we reckon.

Reasons to stay indoors:

The reason why you shouldn’t be going outdoors are just as plentiful, mind you:

  • Thunder
  • Hail
  • Super low temperatures

The folks at Met Eireann have said that Ulster, Connacht and west Munster should expect the majority of the rain and hail downpours, as well as thunder spells. Tonight will get very windy, frosty and will drop to as low as -1.

Sunday will see it get worse, dropping to as low as -3 overnight, leading into Monday which will see the entire country in rain, and for that to then to turn to snow and sleet, especially in parts of Ulster and Leinster.

The projection for the rest of the week is pretty much the same, with temperatures constantly dipping as low as -3, and snow, sleet and risks of ice expected as far as Thursday and Friday.

So, like we said, best just stay indoors and watch some stuff from the safety and warmth of your couch.

You loved it so much, we’re bringing it back! The JOE Pub Quiz is LIVE again.
We’re hitting up The Academy, Dublin on Friday, 14th of February.

Tickets are on sale from Friday 31st Jan at €29.90 each and available on Ticketmaster.