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23rd Aug 2018

TIME Magazine have sunk their teeth into Donald Trump yet again with their latest cover

Rudi Kinsella

They’ve done it again.

TIME Magazine have continuously taken shots at American President Donald Trump since he was elected in November of 2016.

Just take a look at some of their more recent magazine covers. Absolutely brutal stuff.

They’ve portrayed The White House as the Kremlin in Russia, insulting Trump’s relationship with Putin:

And they did something very similar with their physical appearances:

And then there was this one highlighting his heavily-criticised immigration policy…

And this one mocking his alleged affair with Stormy Daniels.

Which brings to the most recent edition, which as you can expect, is no different.

The cover shows The Oval Office filling up with water, while Trump desperately tries to escape. Powerful stuff.

If we’re to really look into the cover, it portrays a message of hopelessness and desperation. It also has a sense of inevitability and time running out.

Will TIME be proven correct? Or do we have another two years (at least) worth of Trump-inspired covers to expect?

Either way, we doubt Trump will be too pleased when he sees this.

You loved it so much, we’re bringing it back! The JOE Pub Quiz is LIVE again.
We’re hitting up The Academy, Dublin on Friday, 14th of February.

Tickets are on sale from Friday 31st Jan at €29.90 each and available on Ticketmaster.