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30th Jun 2014

Video: Demolition bystanders close to being decapitated by flying debris

This is why you should stand well away from a demolition in progress...

Oisin Collins

This is why you should stand well away from a demolition in progress…

The video above was recorded in in the Moravian town of Prostejov, Czech Republic, late last week and it features the demolition of the OP Prostejov Profashion factory, formally the largest textile manufacturing plant in the country.

The demolition was supposed to go off without a hitch, but as you’ll see above, two bystanders were almost killed by a flying piece of debris.

It certainly was a close call, so much so that some of the bystanders didn’t even notice the massive piece of concrete flying through the air…

Here’s a look at the demolition from a different, much further, angle.

And finally, here’s a .GIF of the moment in question, thanks to reddit.


Via Scientologist2a – reddit

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