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03rd Sep 2015

5 tips from the experts to prevent injury while you’re running a marathon

Advice for anyone running in the SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon


Running over 26 miles is ridiculously tough in its own right so the last thing you need is an injury hampering you even further.

If you’re one of the thousands running in the SSE Airtricty Dublin Marathon on October 26, a quick stretch of the hamstrings and the quads just before the race isn’t going to cut it we’re afraid.

There are measures you can take to ensure that you’re in as good a nick as possible and to prevent injury from knocking on the door.

Here’s some advice for the experts about preparing for the big race.

(1) Don’t go overboard

Gradually increase time and intensity of a workout, don’t go trying to do everything at once.


Start slow and build up gradually, for example, run for 20 minutes three times a week and look to build from there.

(2) Warm-up

A proper, gradual warm-up helps prevent injury. Start with a brisk walk before breaking into a slow jog for about ten minutes and then perform some simple basic stretches.

Then your body is ready to start the workout properly.

(3) Hydrate

Make sure you are hydrated and well-fuelled: Dehydration can cause muscle fatigue and muscle fatigue can lead to poor technique, which can cause injury.


The same applies to nutrition as well; if you’re not well hydrated or don’t have enough fuel on board, the dreaded ‘hitting the wall’ situation in a marathon won’t be far away.

(4) Listen to your body

Pain is your body’s way of telling you something isn’t right. What might seem like a slight niggle can turn into something more chronic if you keep trying to run through it.


If you feel pain, stop exercising.

(5) Cross train

The repetitive nature of running is the main cause of running injuries, which are mainly caused by over-stressing certain muscle groups.

Add a little bit of cross training to your running programme as it helps work other smaller muscle groups that are not used when running.

Try non-impact activities like swimming or cycling, for example, or attend a yoga class.

You can get more information about the marathon and find entry forms here.

Our team’s training schedules will be posted weekly on the SSE Airtricity website so be sure to follow their progress and replicate their training plans.

