Sun, sea and four days of great racing? Where do we sign?
As the old song goes, we do like to be beside the seaside. And, while we can build a mean sandcastle, we like it even better if there is some top class sporting action nearby we can take in too.
That’s why we really love the Tramore August Racing Festival. It’s always great craic to head to the south east (the weather really is better down there) and if you haven’t been in a while, this is the perfect excuse.
It all kicks off on August 14 with a mixed Flat/National Hunt card. There are seven races down for decision, beginning at 5pm, while the action goes on late into the night with The Springsteens providing the entertainment in the Inside Track bar.
Friday is a National Hunt card (first race off at 5.15pm) and again there is post-race entertainment on the Inside Track bar, this time from The Unusual Suspects.
Saturday is Style evening, with a Flat card up for decision. TV3 presenter Elaine Crowley has the difficult task of judging the Littlewoods Ireland Best Dressed Ladies Competition. The winner of each Best Dressed Lady day will win a €1,500 shopping spree with Littlewoods Ireland and the nine remaining finalists at each event will receive a €100 voucher.
Sunday is family day, with the Family Fun afternoon card getting under way at 2.20pm. There is heaps of free entertainment to keep the kids amused, from face painting to miniature horses and you can really make a day of it by booking lunch in the Graun Hill suite. For just €29.95 there will be a three-course meal served before the action gets underway and children eat free. You can’t say fairer than that.
That’s just one of many great deals available to race goers next month in Tramore. Group booking can be had for just €10 a head while if you book the Deise Deal in advance for just €19 you get admission, a racecard, €5 food voucher and a €5 drink voucher.
A spot in the Festival Marquee on Friday can be yours for just €25, and that entitles you to admission, racecard, reserved table in the Marquee, hot filled roll and a free pint or quarter bottle of wine. For the full list of all the great deals on offer, check out this link.
With three bars and two restaurants on course, plus loads more options in the town of Tramore itself, you are guaranteed to have a ball if you make the trip.
We’ll see you there…
LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge