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22nd Jul 2013

JOE-Jitsu Week 4. ‘Fatigue makes cowards out of men’

Mike finds the more technical aspects of MMA a little tougher to grasp as the weeks move on...


Frustrations began to kick in this week, as constantly weighing myself started to become a pain – mostly because it was fluctuating so much. Throw in attempting to master technique in a Jiu-Jitsu class when you’ve been working for 11-odd hours straight and you have a recipe for a right aul moan…

A lot of last week was taken up with myself and Owen doing some press for the fight; we popped into the Today FM show Savage Sunday with Anton Savage, and The Spin on 1038. Both times the questions were pretty similar; ‘why do this’? ‘What are you thinking’? And ‘what if you’re seriously hurt’? It kind of reminded me why I was making a documentary on MMA to begin with – people don’t understand the sport at all. Despite the success of the UFC it’s still somehow seen as barbaric; on more than one occasion the words “there are no rules, are there?” have been mentioned to me.

Alas, it’s a huge part as to why I’m writing this blog now, getting in a cage in September and generally training my ass off.

Speaking of which, this weeks one on ones in SBG focused a bit more on BJJ technique as I think Owen saw how frustrating I found the class with the lads in Primal the night before. The guys have all been exceptionally patient with me, and are always constructive and helpful when rolling with me too – pointing out where I’m going wrong and patting me on the back when I manage to do something right. While aspects of my game are certainly coming along strong, it’s the one that was always gonna be tough to crack.

When I stepped into Primal on Tuesday, one of the lads with a fight coming up, Danny, shouted at me to “run while I could.” I assumed Cathal Pendred had come in for a session we’d been planning with Owen (a very good reason to indeed run) but I found out it was actually something called “harnessing” that was going to be sandwiched in at the end of our BJJ session.


It’s basically three, three minute rounds of someone pulling you back while you desperately attempt to make your way around the gym floor, slamming the heavy bag, climbing rope, doing chin-ups and battle-ropes etc. It hurts. A lot. But the one thing I liked about it was that I could just get my head down and do it – no thinking involved.

The MMA League event I was supposed to fight in this week in Belfast has been cancelled for one reason or another; so a heavy sparring session over the weekend will have to do. Conditioning wise I bought a 16kg weights vest and have been doing tonnes of hill sprints using it – tough but brilliant for the type of explosive power I’m looking for.

I heard a great quote from MMA legend Frank Shamrock recently that’s sticking with me “Fatigue makes cowards out of men.” The more I train the more true I feel that is; guys look for an out when they’re gassed and I don’t want that to be me.

Don’t forget to like my coach Owen’s One on One page on facebook. While you’re there sure give SBG and From Afar Productions a like. Thanks again too the guys for the delivery of delicious protein power and goodies that have helped me massively with the weight maintenance.

Until next week…