From the first time I met Owen Roddy in Primal he talked about “Fight Camp.” Saying how my weight coming down would be fine, would happen naturally with rolling and watching the diet, and then how Fight Camp would then start six weeks out from the fight.
Fight Camp sounded daunting. Training twice a day, eating like a culinary monk and generally existing only to train. That’s what the lads in Primal do every single day and their dedication is genuinely staggering. One of the Primal lads Owen coaches, Danny Hall (pictured below warming up), took part in The Evolution Fighting Championship on Sunday in Tullamore – winning his 75kg fight with a second round stoppage.
Being that I’m already thinking of the food binging and general chilling out I’ll be doing after my fight happens, I was shocked to see Danny in a boxing class the following day – a Bank Holiday no less – ready and as enthusiastic to train as ever.
When I said it to him he just shrugged and went “Like Conor McGregor says,always be ready.” The more I train, the more I realise the special kind of tough stuff these lads are made of.
Speaking of Conor McGregor, I was training with Owen in SBG on the Longmile Road on Friday evening and bumped into the UFC star, who I thanked for giving me my “fight name” in the below video. Go a few minutes in to hear Adrian Collins ask him about it…
The difference with my ‘Fight Camp’ is that I’m working a fairly intense job as the editor of the organ you’re currently reading and trying to train. While getting out to classes in Primal can be tough enough after a day at the office, it’s more the general tiredness of a full day of work and then a 90-minute plus class of varying degrees of intensity where I’m repeatedly punched in the head while trying to grasp the technique being taught.
When I’m not training I’m worrying about not training and when I am I’m wrecked but invigorated afterwards. I’m also in the best shape of my life, having gone into John Connor in The ISI in Coolock for a treatment and a bodyfat check. It’s now down to 9% from 16.5% and I’ve put on “about half a stone of muscle”. Still a way to go, though… hopefully a couple of “strong man” sessions with John help me get stronger and leaner.
As ever, thanks to Owen for his amazing coaching, words of wisdom and generally being a gentleman. Thanks to Bodyfirst for keeping me in supplements and to the guys at SBG city centre for letting me use their digs to train.
Owen is still enrolling his PrimalMMA beginner programme. €55 a month and you can get details by calling 0857145233 or emailing [email protected]. I can’t recommend it enough – even if you’ve no interest in actually fighting.
Finally, If you wanna buy tickets to the event I’m fighting in there will be a great card of professional fights on afterwards too.
You loved it so much, we’re bringing it back! The JOE Pub Quiz is LIVE again.
We’re hitting up The Academy, Dublin on Friday, 14th of February.
Tickets are on sale from Friday 31st Jan at €29.90 each and available on Ticketmaster.