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17th Apr 2014

Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain presents The Top 5 Golf Skills Part II

Earlier this week, Kellogg’s and the GUI National Golfing Academy launched the Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Golf Skills Challenge so we’ve assembled the top golfers in the world to show you how it’s done


Earlier this week, Kellogg’s and the GUI National Golf Academy launched the Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Golf Skills Challenge so we’ve assembled the top golfers in the world to show you how it’s done


The Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Golf Skills Challenge is a competition to find the most skilled amateur golfers in Ireland. Entrants will be tested on Driving, Target Golf, Pitching – Up and Down, and Putting, so its a complete test of all the abilities needed to succeed on the course.

The competition is open to all golfers aged 16 or over, who have an official GUI or ILGU handicap. Those who take part will have their scores registered on a national score board with the top 60 qualifiers progressing to a national final at the GUI National Golf Academy in September. To enter or to find out more please visit

Following on from our earlier compilation of the most skilled professional golfers, here are some further examples of the best in the game showing how it should be done.

Up and Down:

Scrambling, from near the green or from a bunker, is something all golfers are familiar with and for most of us, it is a struggle. The ability to keep control of a ball from the sand is very hard to master, but essential if you are to keep your score low consistently.

Sergio Garcia may have his issues close to the hole, but when it comes to playing great shots from the fringes and from hazards, he is among the best in the business.

This sand shot is the sort of one to give you nightmares but Sergio shows just how to position your legs, how to angle the club and how to swing absolutely perfectly.


The most important skill in the game, bar none. Without a reliable putting stroke, you’re doomed (see above). Every player, even the very best in the business, will miss the odd nervy five footer but being able to consistently find the hole from all sorts of ranges is invaluable and that is what will be tested in the skills challenge.

Most of the best in the game have above average putting but two of the best are American duo Steve Stricker and Jim Furyk. Stricker has even given putting tips to Tiger Woods, helping him rediscover some of his best form last season so if this advice is good enough for Tiger, it is good enough for us.

As for Furyk, his grip is unorthodox but if you are struggling with your stroke, his cross-handed grip is worth a shot. It certainly works for Furyk, consistently one of the most solid putters around.


You loved it so much, we’re bringing it back! The JOE Pub Quiz is LIVE again.
We’re hitting up The Academy, Dublin on Friday, 14th of February.

Tickets are on sale from Friday 31st Jan at €29.90 each and available on Ticketmaster.