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23rd Oct 2013

Pic: A ridiculous 160/1 Champions League accumulator that landed for one JOE reader tonight

Carl Thompson puts his prophetic powers down to ‘a few too many pints’. Sigh…


Carl Thompson puts his prophetic powers down to ‘a few too many pints’. Sigh…

Despite the many hours of study we put in, our football accumulators rarely come off. As you can see over here, we’ve even been stupid enough to take on Ladbrokes with our ability to pick them. After week 1, we have a big fat zero.

Maybe we need to call up Carl Thompson. The 18-year-old sent us his winning docket tonight and it’s a cracker.

Carl picked wins for Manchester United, Galatasaray, Napoli, Atletico Madrid, Bayern Munch, Manchester City and PSG and then he boosted that seven-fold bet with three more.

These were Arsenal and Dortmund to both score, Celtic and Ajax to both score and Ac Milan and Barcelona to both score.

Incredibly, all 10 of those punts landed, at odds of around 160/1. Carl’s cheeky tenner, which he says was inspired by ‘a few too many pints’ has netted him a four-figure sum in the region of €1600.

Betting slip

Carl also claims it is his first ever bet. Our advice is to quit now while he is ahead, he’ll never match this again.

You loved it so much, we’re bringing it back! The JOE Pub Quiz is LIVE again.
We’re hitting up The Academy, Dublin on Friday, 14th of February.

Tickets are on sale from Friday 31st Jan at €29.90 each and available on Ticketmaster.