A sight we never thought we’d see.
Pat Spillane can expect this photo to come back and haunt him during the Championship season, as he and Micheál O’Muircheartaigh – both proud Kerrymen – hold up a Mayo For Sam sign during the GAA World Games in Abu Dhabi.
This was sent into us by Steve Shanaghy, who tells us the photo op was the brainchild of former Ballyhaunis captain Liam Lyons.
Liam, pictured on the right, is currently living out in the Middle East.
You loved it so much, we’re bringing it back! The JOE Pub Quiz is LIVE again.
We’re hitting up The Academy, Dublin on Friday, 14th of February.
Tickets are on sale from Friday 31st Jan at €29.90 each and available on Ticketmaster.