Police in British Columbia, Canada, are currently trying to locate and arrest a BASE jumper and it’s all because of this video…
This is definitely up there on our list of ‘the most terrifying videos for acrophobia sufferers to watch’, but while it’s entertaining in one sense, it’s also highly illegal and extremely dangerous.
According to the BleacheRreport.com, “Authorities were quickly dispatched to arrest the jumper, although search efforts were unable to locate the man.” But why where the cops so keen on catching the jumper in question in the first place? Well, it’s because he reportedly caused $10,000 worth of damage to the Gondola when he pried the doors open.
As for the BASE jumper’s companion, she told authorities that she was just “sightseeing” and that she didn’t know the man they were looking for. Sadly, for both of the people featured in the video, their faces aren’t hidden too well, so we doubt it will take long before they’re in police custody.