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30th Aug 2012

Brilliant. Cheeky Reddit user tells off Barack Obama for poor grammar use

When Barack Obama decided to hold an AMA (Ask me Anything) on Reddit, he was probably aware he could be in for a tough time from detractors. He probably didn’t expect to have his grammar corrected.

Conor Heneghan

When Barack Obama decided to hold an AMA (Ask me Anything) on Reddit, he was probably aware he could be in for a tough time from his detractors. He probably didn’t expect to have his grammar corrected, however.

The current President of the United States is in the middle of a campaign to secure a second term in the White House and in an effort to keep the cool kids on side, he decided to host an AMA (Ask Me Anything) one of the many functions on popular social networking site Reddit.

During the half hour question and answer session yesterday, which is understood to have placed serious pressure on the Reddit servers due to the amount of traffic coming to the site (a pain we at JOE know all too well), Obama responded to a number of queries about Afghanistan, beer in the White House, his toughest decisions to date and his favourite basketball player.

Innocent enough, you would think, but the most entertaining part of the whole experience was when he was reprimanded for some poor grammar while answering a question about increasing funds to the space programme.

In case you didn’t see it above…

The post correcting the President is no longer evident on the Reddit AMA – the highlights of which can be viewed here – but a screen grab of the pedantic poster’s scolding of the President started doing the rounds soon afterwards (see above).

Granted, the Reddit user in question, one sOcrates 82, was able to hide behind the cloak of internet anonymity, but it was still a fairly brazen thing to do all the same.

It’s one thing to be able to tell the grandkids that you met the President of the United States, but to be able to tell them that you scolded him for poor grammar is another altogether. Brilliant.

A big hat-tip to Stephen Hughes for sending this one into us.
