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25th Apr 2013

Irish lad gets the stamp of approval from Bear Grylls in the race for the Best Jobs in the World

There's nothing quite like getting the stamp of approval from one of the world's foremost adventurers to give your campaign a boost.


There’s nothing quite like getting the stamp of approval from one of the world’s foremost adventurers to give your campaign a boost.

By Adrian Collins

There are three Irish lads in the running for what have been described as the “Best Jobs in the World”, where you have the chance to become your choice of the following: an outback adventurer, a taste master, a lifestyle photographer, a chief funster (sounds good to us), a park ranger or a wildlife caretaker.

You’ll be sent off to Australia to tour around the north east with $100,000AUD grand lining your pockets too, so all in all it sounds like a sweet gig.

There are three Irish lads in the running, Allan Dixon, Richard Cullen and Heber Hanley, but Allan, hoping to snag a gig as an outback adventurer, got a serious seal of approval from one of the foremost adventurers in the world today.

He tweeted Bear Grylls to get his campaign a bit of a boost, and the main man both retweeted him and sent him a reply.

You can also check out the video Allan made for his campaign here too.

He should be well on the road to success now after this, so we could have yet another Irishman emigrating off to Australia.
