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17th Apr 2013

Moves like Jäger: Coach sacked for buying 36 litres of Jägermeister.

A Croatian former footballer and coach got the sack recently when he was caught buying a load of Jägermeister with a stolen credit card.


A Croatian former footballer and coach got the sack recently when he was caught buying a load of Jägermeister with a stolen credit card.

By Adrian Collins

Former Croatian footballer Josip ‘Jozo’ Gaspar lost his job recently as coach of lower division side FC Sparta Elektra.

The coach, who made 425 appearances for Dinamo Zagreb, was sacked after he took a player’s credit card form his wallet in the dressing room and used it to buy 36 litres of Jägermeister.

Even by JOE’s standards, he must have been planning one hell of an epic party, because he was actually intending on getting 48 litres but had maxed out the card.

According to Aleksander Holiga, former editor-in-chief of Four Four Two Croatia, the player alerted the credit card company and Gaspar was easily recognised, being a bit of a local legend, on the security footage.

No word yet on what the player has had to say about the incident, but we imagine that Jozo had to return his ill-gotten booze, which would fuel quite a team night out, if they could get their hands on it.

Pics via Google Images
