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14th Jan 2012

“Naked 50-year old man” gone walkabout turns out to be actress Emma Thompson

When police in Scotland received a report of “a naked man, about 50 years old” wandering in public, they could never have imagined it would turn out to be English actress Emma Thompson.

Conor Heneghan

When police in Scotland received a report of “a naked man, about 50 years old” wandering in public, they could never have imagined it would turn out to be English actress Emma Thompson.

Granted, Thompson is no Megan Fox or Natalie Portman in the hottie stakes, but we can’t imagine why anyone would mistake her for a middle-aged man. Actually on second thoughts, maybe we could.

In any case, that was the error made by an eagle-eyed dog-walking Scotsman recently, but thankfully for Thompson, the embarrassing mistake was quickly resolved.

Obviously not one for vanity and devoid of any shame over the whole fiasco, the Harry Potter star had no qualms recounting the story about the policeman’s visit to her holiday cottage to Jonathan Ross on his ITV chat show last night.

“He (the policeman) said, ‘We’ve just had someone ring up to say that you’ve had an intruder on your land.’ Picturing immediately an axe man behind a bush, I said, ‘Really, when?’” Thompson recalled.

“‘Well,’ he said, ‘a dog walker saw a naked man, about 50 years old, coming through your field’. And I was really worried, it was terrifying.”

While the distinguished actress and the policeman attempted to establish what sort of crazed naked man could have been wandering the moors around Thompson’s house, her 12-year old daughter cracked the case.

“From behind me, on the stairs, Gaia (Thompson’s daughter) was going, ‘Wasn’t that about the time that you came up from the river, mum?’ And I thought, ‘Oh my God, oh my God’”, Thompson continued.

“Making the connection, I could see the same thing happening to the policeman. And I could see him, as he backed off, and I was thinking, he’s going to go back to the station and he’s going to say, ‘You see that Emma Thompson? Her t**s must be so low that from a distance they read as testicles.’

“I nearly lifted up my nightie to show that they’re not that bad.”

Somewhere in this bizarre tale, there’s a lesson to be learned from all this, but we’re simply too horrified at the thought of Emma Thompson lifting up her nightie to think about it at the moment.
