Described as ‘only slightly used’ the wantaway striker has a £25m reserve price on the internet auction site.
We wouldn’t be at all surprised if somewhere down the line all football transfers were conducted like this, and we could all watch as clubs made bids in some online forum that you had to pay to view.
So while the Premier League go off to work on that idea, for now we have to make do with fan generated stuff like this. At least we hope it’s fan generated…
Somebody, surely not Paul Lambert, has put the talented Belgian striker up for grabs on eBay. The ad has some cracking lines, including ***No time wasters please from Tottenham Hotspur*** and * Be careful when trying to remove the ‘One Season Wonder’ sticker from Benteke’s forehead*.
It’s well worth checking out the ad here, and if you do want to try and bring him into your five-a-side, it will require a bid of £25m and so far, after 56 bids, Benteke is only up to just over £500,000.
Thanks to David Clarke for the heads up and special shout out to the lads at for putting it together.