When life has you feeling low just remember, there’s ALWAYS someone who’s there and willing to help.
There are apps for everything these days, so why not create one to help raise awareness of suicide prevention and to offer support to those experiencing emotional distress? That was the thinking behind the G.R.A.S.P. app, which is currently available on both Android and iOS smartphones.
G.R.A.S.P. stands for ‘Greater Responsibility and Awareness in Suicide Prevention’ and the G.R.A.S.P. Life Foundation is the brainchild of Mary McTernan, a mental health professional who lost her son to suicide in back in 2004.
The app provides useful information such as contact information and GPS data for help centres to people who may be having suicidal thoughts and you can also use the app if you’re worried about a friend or someone close to you.
The G.R.A.S.P. app provides helpful advice such as the warning signs that someone may be suicidal, the risk factors involved and how you can help.
You can download the app for free in both the App Store and on Google Play and it’s a really good cause that’s close to JOE’s heart. So make sure to download the app and do what you can to help raise awareness about suicide prevention.
Download the app via the Google Play Store or the App Store.
For more check out the G.R.A.S.P. Life Foundation website.