This Advertorial was brought to you by the LVA and Jameson
Jameson and the LVA got together to show what makes Dublin pubs the best in the world.
There is a long list of great pubs in Dublin, and we’d likely be here all day if we tried to name half of them. Whether you’re looking for a quiet spot on the far side of town or a city centre hotspot with a popping atmosphere and great live music, you’ll find them all.
It’s the people that really makes Dublin pubs so special. Wherever you find a good pub is where you’ll find good people.
The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) and Jameson got together to film a video to show off just how awesome Dublin pubs really are, so check that out below!
Dublin pubs are the best in the world. From trendy bars serving the latest drinks to traditional pubs with proud histories, there’s something for everyone.
Click here if you can’t see the video.
This Advertorial was brought to you by the LVA and Jameson