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01st Jul 2014

App-reciation: Addappt


Starting out in business, it’s all about who you know. As a budding entrepreneur, chances are this has been continuously drummed into your head before any big networking event.

So it can be difficult when you’ve finally starting making contacts to keep everything up to date. There’s always a chance of a change of email, a missing digit in the phone number, or a lost phone means your business contact’s information is now useless.

This is why we’re pretty sure Addappt could be one of the smartest apps for your phone. The service allows a friend, co-worker, or business contact who changes an email address or phone number to update their own addresses on your device.


It also offers other address book management features, allows you to network from an event with automatic connections and verifies the emails on file with an email.

As you get to meet people at social events, or look to make a lasting connection, Addapt also offers users the chance to send ‘Connection Requests’ to other members, allowing them access to a contact email.

Not bad for a free app for your phone.

The app up-to-date address book is available on iOS and Android.


For more information on the service, check out their website and blog here.