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Fitness & Health

13th Dec 2010

Benefits of warming up

A warm-up before exercise is something we’re all well used to, but what exactly are the benefits?


A warm-up before exercise is something we’ve all been doing since our PE days. But what exactly are the benefits?

Increased muscle temperature

Hence the name. Warm muscle both contracts with more force and relaxes more quickly meaning both speed and strength are enhanced. Warm muscles have far better elasticity so you reduce your chances of suffering a pull or strain.

Dilated blood vessels

Once warmed, flexible blood vessels all over your body increase in diameter. This means blood can pass more quickly to where it needs to go, reduces the resistance inside the vessels and decreases stress on the heart.

Improved cooling

Once your heat-dissipation systems (sweating, mainly) are fully up-and-running  before you get stuck into the heavy stuff,  then your body will be in a position to cool itself as soon as it needs to, thereby preventing over-heating early on.

Increased blood temperature

Blood heats up as it moves through muscle and as it does so, the amount of oxygen it can retain reduces. As a result, your body makes more oxygen available to the muscle which translates into improved endurance.

Getting your head in the game

As well as the physiological improvements, a warm-up gives you a chance to focus on what you’re about to do. Bringing to mind positive images during this period has also been shown to help improve concentration and relaxation.

So, whether it’s gradually increasing the intensity level in your given sport, going for a gentle jog or getting stuck into a full range of calisthenics and flexibility exercises, the warm-up is a part of your routine you ignore at your peril.

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