Take note, fellas.
Men wearing socks and sandals is considered the very worst fashion faux pas among Irish women.
The sock/sandal combo is closely followed by the infamous ‘mun’ (aka the man bun) and the ‘too tight’ t-shirt when it comes to crimes against style.
According to a survey by the delightfully named Mycosan Fungal Nail, 58% of Irish men and women agree that fungal toenails are a huge turn off, with body odour (78%) and bad breath (71%) also topping the poll.
A further 28% said they would strongly consider not dating someone if they found out they had a fungal nail, which is a little harsh perhaps, but understandable all the same.
Nearly a quarter (23%) of all adults surveyed claimed that well-groomed feet are imperative in a potential partner.
The survey also found that Jamie Dornan (28%) topped the pole as the celebrity Irish females would most like to play footsie with, ahead of Tom Hardy (23%) and Ryan Gosling (14%). With Irish males choosing Amy Huberman (18%) followed closely by Katy Perry (16%) and Emma Stone (15%).
You loved it so much, we’re bringing it back! The JOE Pub Quiz is LIVE again.
We’re hitting up The Academy, Dublin on Friday, 14th of February.
Tickets are on sale from Friday 31st Jan at €29.90 each and available on Ticketmaster.