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Fitness & Health

20th Apr 2018

The man who caught the world’s first case of super-gonorrhoea has been cured

Dave Hanratty


Last month, one unfortunate gentleman in the UK made history by contracting the world’s first case of treatment-resistant super-gonorrhoea.

Now comes the news that the man in question has been cured.

Public Health England (PHE) had previously revealed that the case marked the first time that the infection could not be cured with first choice antibiotics.

On Friday, Dr Gwenda Hughes, head of PHE’s sexually transmitted infection (STI) section, confirmed the all-clear.

“We are pleased to report that the case of multi-drug resistant gonorrhoea has been successfully treated,” she said.

“Investigations have also revealed there has been no further spread of this infection within the UK.”

However, Dr Hughes pointed to two similar cases that have been reported in Australia and warned of the likelihood of seeing further cases of multi-drug resistant gonorrhoea in the future.

“These cases will be challenging for healthcare professionals to manage,” she noted.

“We urge the public to avoid getting or passing on gonorrhoea by using condoms consistently and correctly with all new and casual partners.”

Symptoms of gonorrhoea are not always easily identifiable but can include a burning sensation when urinating and unusual discharge from the penis or vagina.

Left untreated, the infection has the potential to cause serious health problems, including long-term abdominal pain and pelvic inflammatory disease, which could lead to ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

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