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Fitness & Health

06th Feb 2015

Quitters never win? But what if you are quitting smoking? Part Two

The quest begins

Eric Lalor

The quest begins.

Since announcing here that I have begun my quest to quit smoking, I have been inundated with messages of support. When I say inundated, about three different people wished me well. It’s lovely that people are taking the time out to wish me well. It also adds to the pressure to quit which is not a bad thing.


I got the prescription from my GP for the tablets which will aid me and collected them during the week. I picked up a supply which would last me a month.

They are not cheap, but it’s a very small price to pay when you consider the health benefits, not to mention the amount of money I’ll save in the long run! This time next year Rodders, we’ll be millionaires!


The thing about these tablets is that I must continue smoking for the first 8-14 days and then stop. I have to pick a day in the next week or so which will be the quit date.

It’s going to be tough and even though the tablets help with the nicotine withdrawals, ultimately it will be my willpower which will seal the deal one way or the other. Ah yes, willpower. That’s never let me down before. Right.


One of the definitions of the word ‘ritual’ is ‘observance of set forms in public worship’. This rings true for me as I have often publicly worshipped the fags. In smoking areas, outside gigs on the way to work, all of the time worshipping the smokes. The big challenge is to do away with these rituals.


As I mentioned in the first post, I am a stand-up comedian and one of my favourite rituals is to have a smoke about five minutes before I go on stage to do a gig. Regardless of whether I want one or not, I have one.

The first smoke in the morning is a sacred cigarette. It accompanies the first coffee and makes early mornings that bit more bearable. All of these supposed rituals will have to stop.


My kids have welcomed the decision and the quest, but with some caution as they have seen me fall of the wagon before. I told them I was compiling a public blog about the journey and that it would help me remain strong.


They remain unconvinced which weirdly enough, makes me even more determined to succeed. I don’t want them to smoke and what a hypocrite I would be if I was to tell them not to when they know fully well that I smoke too.


I think by doing this diary piece for JOE and having so many eyes read it, it will help me in my darker moments. The darker moments when I am weak and want to have a drag of a cigarette. I’m hoping that this diary and the fear of failure will drive me on. Here’s hoping anyway.

I hope that when I am having a bad day, the lads here in JOE don’t have to suffer my wrath. The last time I felt the withdrawals, this happened in Ballymun….


I want a clean break from smoking, no drama please and thank you.


LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge