Brought to you by 53 Degrees North
Not only will you be giving back, you’ll get a discount on new season Columbia gear
53 Degrees North are making sustainable fashion easier. Not only do they want to help the environment, but by offering a discount on outdoor gear, they want you to spend more time enjoying it.
Who else is giving you the chance to respect nature, get rewards, and help those who need it most- all at once. Your clothing contribution will go to Focus Ireland, who help to challenge homelessness and improve lives for thousands of people.
During 2018 alone, Focus Ireland services provided support to over 15,500 people across the country. With the current housing situation in Dublin, support services like this are more important than ever.
Good quality and long lasting clothes
Columbia’s new season covers a big range of clothing, including footwear and accessories. Investing in a good quality brand means longer lasting clothing for you and your family.
Just call into your local store and ask for the pre loved clothing collection. What’s your closest branch?
- Blanchardstown
- Carrickmines
- Cork
Share the campaign with your friends to raise awareness, and find out more about the amazing work they’re doing here.
Video made by JL Productions
Director/Videography/Edit: Joe Ladrigan @joe.ire
Videography: Abe Neihum @abeneihum
Photography/Edit: Brian Reilly Troy
Brought to you by 53 Degrees North
LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge