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23rd Sep 2020

Life after lockdown: Will Covid19 change our drinking habits in the long term?


Will it be last orders or time for another round?

We’re still in the midst of unprecedented times, that’s for sure, and with that comes the forming of new norms and habits.

Naturally, we all hope things can improve in the months ahead but it’s clear that over time we have become accustomed to a new lifestyle with its new norms and habits.

Will there be particular elements of this new life we won’t be so willing to say goodbye to as things become more ‘normal’?

We’re interested in hearing about how your drinking habits might change. After all, it’s something we often associate with a relaxed night in and it’s a part of a good night out for many Irish people.

So, we’d like you to have your say on the topic and answer the quick and simple questions below.

If you cannot see our questionnaire or its ‘submit’ button please click here.

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge