Maybe the person involved with creating this sign should have practiced their spelling beforehand.
When it comes to road signage, we have our doubts whether any country can match the standard we have set for ourselves. Whether it is the complete honesty and colloquial language like this sign in Co. Waterford, or petty vandalism in the name of humour such as witnessed in Cloonboo, tourists must scratch their heads in disbelief.
And here is another gem to the collection.
Spotted by eagle-eye reader Kil O’Connor, generally not noted for his observation skills we are reliably informed, he sent us in this picture taken on the roadside near Skibbereen in Co. Cork.
Our educated guess is that the sign was intended to read ‘Local Access Only’, but whether motorists will grasp this is quite another matter.
The kindest thing we can say is that at least the word local is spelt correctly.
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