Darren Shepsman was racing his Mazda MX5 recently when one of his competitors made a dodgy defensive manoeuvre that sent him straight into a tyre wall.
In motor racing, there are solid defensive manoeuvres and then there’s just being a dick. The guy driving the red MX5 in the video below expertly shows us how to execute latter…
The red MX5 is all over the arse of the white MX5 and the pressure eventually gets to be too much for the white car’s driver who goes off the track. This leaves some room for Darren Shepsman driving the camera car, so naturally he decided to have a go at overtaking.
However, the driver of the red MX5 wasn’t going to be overtaken so quickly after gaining a place and after a quick glance in his wing mirror he pulls over and bumps Darren off the track just before a tyre wall.
Here’s what Darren said about the incident: “I’m fine… Luckily. A little sore, but physically fine. The car is probably a write off. And yes, I took it to the stewards, and they’ve done what they can. Lets hope I can get the funds to rebuild next year… Again.”
Here’s a look at the aftermath…
@stevemac78 pic.twitter.com/vfxDGa22Mc
— darren shepsman (@dshepsman) September 9, 2013
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