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Movies & TV

30th Jul 2015

Great news because more Marvel characters are getting their own shows on Netflix

A superhero every 6 months

Paul Moore

A superhero every 6 months.

If you’re like us then the chances are that you have had a Netflix marathon and binged on Marvel’s superb adaptation of the classic comic-book Daredevil.

While the second season of that show is currently filming, it seems that Matt Murdock won’t be the only Marvel superhero that’s getting some time to shine via the online streaming giant.

Daredevil Sequence

Netflix have just announced that they’ll be rolling out a new superhero series every six months.

First up will be Jessica Jones, the only female superhero to land her own Marvel project, which will debut before the end of 2015. Cue Agent Carter fans getting outraged by that comment but that character doesn’t have any superpowers.

It seems that Marvel aren’t just content with global domination in the cinema because ‘The Defenders’, a street-level Avengers team, will also be going into production as will Iron Fist and Luke Cage.

If these shows are even half as good as Daredevil then we’re all in for a treat.

Hat-Tip to Time

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