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Movies & TV

17th Nov 2014

On It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’s star Danny De Vito’s birthday here’s some things we learned from Frank

We absolutely love Frank and here's why...

Paul Moore

We absolutely love Frank and here’s why…

It’s probably the worst kept secret in the world but we’re massive fans of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia here in JOE Towers and we think that the best character in the show is the depraved, hilarious and impossibly rich Frank Reynolds played by the marvellous Danny De Vito.

The actor turns 70 today so we’ve decided to take a look at some of the important life lessons that the great man has taught us.

It’s possible to get ripped shit drunk on ham

Everyone should support gay marriage rights

The best way to fall asleep is by huffing glue and speed-balling cat food

 Gambling should only be done in moderation

If you’re going to go off the deep end, do it in style

The sausage pocket is the greatest invention ever



There is only one correct way to say ‘whore’

Women love a smooth talker

Hiding in a couch is a wonderful idea

Bats can bite your head in the middle of the day

Funerals are a total waste of money

Always be yourself even when surrounded by complete strangers

This is the greatest advise that you will ever hear

Never play it safe

Frank Wall


LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge