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06th Jan 2014

Aussie man gets stuck in a washing machine while playing hide-and-seek. Naked

We've all been there, right? Right?


We’ve all been there, right? Right?

You are either a person who does or doesn’t like surprises. For every person who wells up at the sight of all their family and friends jumping out from behind the sofa, there is another who needs to know at least three months in advance what social engagements are coming up.

We assume that the partner of the man is this story was in the former group, though she may have now moved into the latter.

A report on the BBC today tells a sorry tale of an unnamed man from a place north of Melbourne in Australia called Mooroopna town. The man decided that he would surprise his partner by taking off all his clothes and jumping into the top loading washing machine, the idea being to spring out and surprise her when she got home. As you do.

Sadly for this inventive soul, he instead managed to get stuck inside the machine and it took a team of rescuers, including firefighters, paramedics and a search-and-rescue squad 20 minutes to free him, a process that involved lubricating him with olive oil so he could escape.

The story also has a couple of great quotes from the Aussie coppers. One, Sergeant Michelle De Araugo said “it was just a game gone wrong. It would be fair to say the gentleman was very embarrassed.”

Meanwhile, First Constable Luke Ingram said: “My advice would be for people not to climb into appliances – obviously that [can] cause a number of issues, as we’ve seen on the weekend.”

A rule for life there everybody

You loved it so much, we’re bringing it back! The JOE Pub Quiz is LIVE again.
We’re hitting up The Academy, Dublin on Friday, 14th of February.

Tickets are on sale from Friday 31st Jan at €29.90 each and available on Ticketmaster.