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22nd May 2024

Israeli embassy responds to Ireland recognising Palestine as official state

Joseph Loftus

Ireland, Norway, and Spain have officially recognised Palestine as a separate state.

Early this morning (May 22), Taoiseach Simon Harris broke the news that Ireland would recognise Palestine as an official state.

Speaking to the press, Harris announced: “Today Ireland, Norway and Spain are announcing that we recognise the state of Palestine, each of us will undertake whatever national steps are necessary to give effect to that decision.

“I am confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step in the coming weeks.”

Mr Harris continued: “It is a statement of unequivocal support for a two-state solution, the only credible path to peace and security for Israel, for Palestine and for their peoples.”

Soon after Mr Harris spoke, Spain’s Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, and Norway’s Foreign Minister, Espen Barth Eide, said that both countries will recognise Palestine as a separate state from May 28.

Mr Sanchez said: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not have a project of peace for Palestine, even if the fight against the terrorist group Hamas is legitimate”.

While Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store added: “There cannot be peace in the Middle East if there is no recognition.

“The terror has been committed by Hamas and militant groups who are not supporters of a two-state solution and the state of Israel. Palestine has a fundamental right to an independent state.”

Now, the Israeli embassy have responded.

In a statement, they explained: “We are disappointed by the Irish government’s decision on recognition, which follows worrying initiatives and statements in recent months.

“This decision brings more questions than answers, especially regarding its timing, after Hamas committed the worst atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

“In the wake of the brutal attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7th which saw the indiscriminate mass murder of 1200 people and the kidnapping, rape and torture of hundreds more, a step such as this sends a message to Palestinians and the world: Terrorism pays.

“This act jeopardises any hope of Hamas releasing any of the 128 women, children and men kidnapped and held captive by them.

“Unilateral gestures such as this will do nothing for either Palestinians or Israelis. We can only resolve our differences through bilateral negotiation. Just as in Ireland’s case, political steps cannot be imposed.

“Recognition raises many questions, such as what is meant by “Palestine”. What does it mean for Gaza since Hamas, who control it are bitter rivals of the Palestinian Authority. How will this help the people of Gaza under Hamas’s rule? Most importantly, one must question the timing of this announcement in the midst of a war that Hamas launched.

“Israel sees this step as undermining its sovereignty and security and as damaging to our bilateral relations.

“Foreign Minister Katz has recalled the Ambassador temporarily for consultations.”

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