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12th Oct 2015

Justice Minister: Garda Anthony Golden ‘will be mourned by the entire nation’

The 36-year-old was shot and killed in the line of duty on Sunday evening

Tony Cuddihy

Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald says that Garda Anthony Golden “will be mourned by the entire nation” after he was shot and killed in Louth on Sunday evening.

Golden was responding to a 999 call over an alleged domestic dispute when he was shot and killed by 24-year-old Adrian Crevan Mackin, who then turned the gun on himself and died.

Mackin was known to Gardaí as a dissident Republican member who was out on bail. A woman was also shot in the incident and her condition is serious yet stable.

Garda Golden was stationed at Omeath and lived in Blackrock in Co Louth. He was married with three small children under the age of eight-years-old.

“The fact that a garda has laid down his life while protecting the community is a cause of great sadness. His death will be mourned by the entire nation, grateful for the service which he gave to it,” said Justice and Equality Minister Fitzgerald.

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