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20th Feb 2019

Luas Green Line could be shut down for up to four years due to proposed new MetroLink route

Rory Cashin

There has been hard push-back on the proposed new route.

A new public transport route set to arrive in South Dublin may have huge repercussions on already-existing routes in place in the capital.

A report in the Irish Independent details a proposed new Metrolink route from Swords to Sandyford, on which it is proposed the underground line come above ground at the Luas Charlemont stop and then continue along what is currently the Green Line. The route is being remodelled, however, following complaints from some residents in Ranelagh who object to the closure of a road from Dunville Avenue to Beechwood Road to facilitate the metro.

Speaking to JOE, Philip Daly made the following statement on behalf of ReThink Metrolink:

“Rethink Metrolink believe the sensible way forward is to start with the Northside, which has been in planning for many years. The Southside route is new and clearly needs a rethink based on public feedback.

“There are much more sensible Southside routes including Southwest – Rathmines, Harolds Cross, Terenerure, Rathfarnham – or East through UCD. Ripping up the Luas will be very disruptive for 45,000 daily commuters and have a long term impact on communities all along the Green Line with a four-metre high “Berlin Wall” along the track.

“Any disruption – six months, nine months, 24 months, four years is unacceptable. Remember the chaos when the Luas was closed for two days last September? The current process of tweaking one Southside route is disastrous and will be rejected by the public.

“The Government needs to show leadership on this issue and come up with a pragmatic sensible plan that allows or time to come up with a sensible plan for Southside.”

Also speaking to JOE, an NTA spokesperson made the following statement:

“NTA and TII published the emerging preferred route proposals for Metrolink last year and engaged in an extensive public consultation process. Following consideration of the issues raised at various locations along the route, we intend to publish revised proposals in the coming weeks.

“Those amended plans will be subject to a further round of public consultation.”

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