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31st Jan 2019

The Sun has targeted Leo Varadkar yet again, says he’ll be to blame for a No Deal Brexit

Carl Kinsella

Things are getting very tense on the Brexit front.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May now has less than two months to strike an agreement with both the EU and the House of Commons, lest they crash out on a No Deal Brexit.

Her withdrawal agreement was defeated by a landslide in the Parliament two weeks ago. So who has The Sun, in its infinite wisdom, chosen to blame? That’s right. The Irish government.

In an editorial by Tony Gallagher, published today, it reads: “Ireland’s naive PM Leo Varadkar will deserve much of the blame for the misery and chaos No Deal would unleash on his people and across Europe.”

The editorial further accuses him of “posing like a hardman,” and claims that a hard border can only happen if the EU “pushes” the UK into No Deal.

The note ends with: “Varadkar’s continued posturing is suicidal. It is time to be a statesman.”

David Yelland, a former editor of The Sun, has said that Gallagher himself is far more responsible “for the Brexit disaster” than Varadkar.

Varadkar has said very little of note over the last few weeks with regards Brexit. The Taoiseach has maintained the EU27 line that the current withdrawal agreement, including the Northern Ireland backstop, is not open for renegotiation. This position has been consistent since last year, and is echoed by top EU figures such as Donald Tusk, Jean-Claude Juncker and Michel Barnier.

It is far from the first time that the tabloid has targeted the Taoiseach, previously call him an airhead, and told him to shut his gob.

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