But how do you REALLY feel, The Sun?
The article, which was published at 1.14am on Saturday morning, kicks off with “The Sun has some advice for Ireland’s naive young prime minister: shut your gob and grow up.”
It would appear that The Sun are not happy with the Irish PM’s stance on Brexit, informing him that the UK’s leaving of the EU will happen and that he should just make his peace with it.
Over the course of the article, Varadkar is referred to as a ‘buffoon’, ‘arrogant’, ‘making puerile insults’ and ‘increasingly out of his depth’.
The Sun had previously claimed that unnamed Conservative ministers spoke of Sinn Féin and IRA members who had leaned on Varadkar to ambush the UK and exploit them during the negotiation process with the rest of the EU.
In this latest article, they claim that “We can only assume his arrogance stems from a delusion that he can single-handedly stop Brexit.”
Whether or not this is an accurate portrayal of Varadkar isn’t for us to say, but we imagine that The Sun’s headline will have an undesired effect: get more people on to Leo’s side of the argument simply by trying to get him to shut up.
Meanwhile, the clock is ticking for the UK as final negotiations are taking place ahead of the December Council, in which the finalities of the Brexit with the EU – and, indeed, the future of its fate with Ireland – are set to be laid out.
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