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31st Aug 2017

Destiny 2’s insane trailer was directed by the guy who made Kong: Skull Island

Rory Cashin

“For the puppies!”

When games makers Bungie left the Halo franchise for somebody else to take over, they moved on to Destiny, which went on to become one of the biggest money makers in video-game history – it made over $500 million in the first week alone – but the first one maybe took itself a little bit too seriously.

Especially for a game that was dealing with moon wizards.

Always willing to learn from their mistakes, Bungie have returned to the world of Destiny, but it is virtually unrecognisable to the original.

Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Castle, Slither) plays a snarky robot who is leading a rag-tag group of warriors from defending Earth’s last remaining city from a space rhino.

The new trailer was directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who recently made Kong: Skull Island a massive box office success this summer (check out our chats with him and his tremendous beard right here), and is rumoured to be taking on a big screen adaptation of hit video game Metal Gear Solid next.

If this trailer is anything to go by, then it looks like they’ve got the right guy for the job.

Destiny 2 will be available on PS4, Xbox One and PC from Wednesday 6 September.

Clip via destinygame

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