Revenge should have no bounds according to Hamlet, so this is a pretty perfect way to get back at a dodgy online seller who took the money and didn’t deliver the goods.
While the vast majority of online transactions are safe as houses, there will always be a few dodgy feckers out there looking to take the money and run. That fate befell a guy called Edd Joseph, who paid £80 pounds for a PS3 on Gumtree.
Against the policy of the site, Edd paid the money by bank transfer and the console never arrived. Life lesson there for all of us.
Edd was pissed off, and as he tells the Telegraph, he thought up a great way to get back at the unscrupulous seller.
Edd realised he has an unlimited text package on his phone so he went to his providers website, copied in the text of MacBeth and pressed send. After the Scottish play was sent, Edd set about sending each of the works of Shakespeare in turn, often timing them to go late at night for maximum disruption. So far 22 plays have been sent, totalling 17,424 texts. If he continues to send the complete 37 works, when broken down into 160 character text messages, the recipient will have received 29,305 messages, one after another.
By the time the last message is sent, the recipient’s phone will have been beeping virtually non stop for a full week.
As you might imagine, the person on the receiving end was not too pleased.
“I got the first reply after an hour, and then a few more abusive messages after that,” Edd tells the paper. “His phone must have been going off pretty constantly for hours.
“But recently he has taken to calling me and giving me abuse on the phone. I tried to ask him if he was enjoying the plays, but he was very confused.
“I’m going to keep doing it. If nothing else I’m sharing a little bit of culture with someone who probably doesn’t have much experience of it.
“I’m not a literary student, and I’m not an avid fan of Shakespeare but I’ve got a new appreciation you could say – especially for the long ones.”
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