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31st Jul 2013

Pat Kenny joins Newstalk to take over Tom Dunne’s slot

Iconic Irish presenter Pat Kenny has left the national broadcaster and has moved to Newstalk, to take over Tom Dunne's slot.


Iconic Irish presenter Pat Kenny has left the national broadcaster and has moved to Newstalk, to take over Tom Dunne’s slot.

Newstalk today have confirmed that Pat Kenny will be joining their daytime broadcast schedule, taking over the slot that Tom Dunne currently occupies, beginning in September.

There is no news yet on whether or not he’ll also be leaving the television side of things, given that he also presents Prime Time, but we will update you on that situation as news develops.

There’ll be no more Pat Kenny and Des Cahill stuff from Apres Match, now that he’s moved to Newstalk, but this is still one of our favourite Apres Match clips.