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20th Sep 2012

Remember the old lady that ruined a Jesus painting? She wants royalties…

Not too long ago, a little old lady in Spain decided to help her local church by restoring one of their paintings. It didn’t go too well for her, but she still wants compensation.

Oisin Collins

Not too long ago (this time last month to be exact), a little old lady in Spain decided to help her local church by restoring one of their paintings. It didn’t go too well for her, but she still wants compensation.

An 80-year-old Spanish artist (well, part-time artist – judging by her work) called Cecilia Gimenez hit the headlines last month when she made an absolute balls of restoring a cherished painting of Jesus called ‘Ecce Homo’ or ‘Behold the Man’. Overnight, the before-and-after pic (above) went viral and soon afterwards the painting became a must see attraction.

However, the Santuario de Misericordia Church, where the painting is held, wasn’t receiving many donations from the droves of visitors flocking to the Fresco each day, so they decided to start asking for a small fee to see the new ‘Ecce Mono’ or ‘Behold the Monkey’. Apparently, the sanctuary raked in a tasty €2,000 in just 4 days.

So, upon hearing that her botched work was raking in the cash for the little old church in Borja, Cecilia Gimenez lawyered up and now wants her share of the royalties. However, the Santuario de Misericordia Church has also lawyered up and they’re not backing down without a fight.

It will be interesting to see who’s side Jesus will be on?
