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12th Dec 2011

Time-saving tip, No 5: Work from home

It’s not just lingerie models and ladies of the night that work in their underwear, now you can too (if you can convince the boss, that is).

Conor Heneghan

It’s not just lingerie models and ladies of the night that work in their underwear, now you can too (if you can convince the boss, that is).

Before we go and get everybody’s hopes up, let’s start by ruling out the sizeable population of the workforce who couldn’t work from home under any circumstances.

Does your job involve manual labour? You’re out. Do you need to meet people on a regular basis throughout the day? That’s you gone too. Does your job involve any travel at all? I’m afraid you’re not eligible sir, nor in fact is anyone who can’t legitimately claim to be able to do all their work from the comfort of their couch needing only a brain, a laptop and to be easily accessible by phone at all times.

Do you, by any chance, fit into that admittedly rather small demographic? If so, it’s time to get on the case to the boss, because working from home has no end of benefits. Think of the time you’ll save.

Instead of rising at 7am – or an hour earlier if you live in the sticks – to get yourself washed, watered and fed before rushing to work at 9am, for example, you can simply roll out of the bed at 8.55. Better yet, don’t roll out of bed; this is your office after all.

Lunch? No need to eat out or to grab that extravagantly overpriced and underprepared sandwich from the local shop; simply dine in the comforting environs of your own kitchen. If it’s the leftovers from yesterday’s dinner, even better – that’s more precious time kept in reserve.

At the end of the day, there’s no bus to catch, no traffic to put up with and no stress at the prospect of having to do it all again hours later. Just oceans of free time with which to occupy yourself for the rest of the evening.

Convincing yourself of the advantages of working from home is one thing, of course. Convincing the boss is another. Working from home has always had sort of a suspicious ring to it, possibly as a result of damaging clips like this, when Homer briefly worked from home in The Simpsons.

Get over all those obstacles, and you’re flying. In fact, I’m working from home right now and as soon as I finish this sentence I’m off to … zzzzz.

