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12th Oct 2012

Video: Brilliant Christopher Walken impersonator prank calls Meath hotel

If there’s a better Christopher Walken impersonator than this guy, then we haven’t heard him...

Conor Heneghan

If there’s a better Christopher Walken impersonator than this guy, then we haven’t heard him…

Having one of the most recognisable (and scary) voices on the planet like Christopher Walken does comes with its benefits. His brogue is so distinct that he rarely has to introduce himself and such is the terror in his voice that most people will do what he wants, no questions asked.

An Irish Walken impersonator attempted to use such benefits to his advantage when booking a hotel room in Meath recently, but despite the fact that his impersonation of the veteran actor and star of The Deer Hunter and Pulp Fiction amongst other Hollywood classics was pitch-perfect, the hotel staff weren’t buying it for one second.

That was less because of his accent and the fact that he instantly began playing the star card and issuing demands for his hotel room and it didn’t help when he started laughing as soon as he said his name.

It’s pretty funny and we don’t want to spoil it for you so have a listen for yourself in the video above and special mention must go to the female hotel worker on the other end of the line that got in on the joke and was a good sport about it all.

Hat-tip to Paul Walter Meleady and the lads in Colaiste Dhulaigh for sending this into us on Twitter.
