You’ll have to grow the beard yourself though…
Directed by Brett Ratner (Rush Hour, Horrible Bosses) and starring Dwayne Johnson’s muscles, Ian McShane, Dwayne Johnson’s beard, John Hurt and even more of Dwayne Johnson’s massive muscles, Hercules is a brand spankin’ new action adventure film that will tell the tale of the tormented, earth-bound Demigod.
At 42 years of age, Dwayne Johnson is in remarkable shape. At a considerably younger age, JOE is not quite in as remarkable shape.
We wanted to change that fact and so, ahead of the release of the excellent-looking Paramount film Hercules, we headed along to chat to our good friends at RAW Condition Gym, trainers Kane Kearns and Andy Hickey, to find out just how we could go about getting into hunky Herculean shape.
In a series of five workout videos, the lads will focus on a different part of the body each day to help you get defined like Dwayne. Yesterday, they expertly took us through the workout for the arms in Part 1 and today they’re talking us through how to get the back in shape. Here’s the workout in full…
Pull-ups 4 x To Failure
One Arm DB Row 4×
Hammer Strength Two Arm Row 4×10
Close Grip Pulldown 3×12
Rope Pullovers Super Set with Rope High Row 3×15-15 Reps
DB Shrugs 4×12 Reps 15 sec Hold on last rep of each set
Make sure to follow the lads at RAW Condition Gym on Facebook, Twitter and get more info on their website here and, to help you get in the muscly mood for watching Hercules, just check out the terrific trailer below…
Hercules is due for release in Irish cinemas this Friday.
LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge