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Fitness & Health

14th Feb 2013

Weightwatchers blog: Join Francis Ryan as he battles to fight the flab

Join Francis Ryan as he starts his 12-week battle to fight the flab and reclaim his long-lost six pack.


Join Francis Ryan as he starts his 12-week battle to fight the flab and reclaim his long-lost six pack.

We might be over the incredibly panicky ‘I must run ten miles every day and eat only rice cakes’ phase which tends to grip many of us after the festive season, but there are still plenty of us looking to shed those extra few pounds in an attempt to get in shape for the summer months. We need that beach body to show off on those scorching days that are bound to arrive later in the year, right?

One of those looking to trim the fat is Francis Ryan, whose slightly portly figure you have probably already seen on numerous occasions as Francis is the man behind the chatty naked guy who appeared in a series of Meteor ads recently (see below).

Francis reckons he went into the audition with a six back and was told to make himself chubbier, so he followed orders and has yet to reclaim his healthy wasteline and washboard stomach.

Francis is getting married to his ‘perfect’ bride to be Linda Ryan later this year and doesn’t want to be upstaged when it comes to the wedding photographs.

So with the help of Weight Watchers, he plans on returning to his enviable, cover of men’s health magazine shape and over the next 12 weeks Francis will be trying to shed the pounds, all the while sharing his secrets with JOE readers in a weekly blog on the site.

We’re not trying to guilt you into it or anything, but if you fancy joining Francis in his quest to get into shape, keep in touch with his blog to follow all of his dieting tips, his exercise schedule and all of the inevitable ups and downs over the next 12 weeks.

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Men's Health